Standing still means going nowhere.
Life is filled with transitions from one phase to another - within your career, personal relationships or professional leadership. Sometimes between where you were and where you want to be, there is a blank, neutral space. Join me and a list of inspiring guests as we discuss what it takes to move Beyond Neutral and drive forward to where you want to be.
Inspiration for the Show.
For 30+ years, I have supported corporations and individuals around transitions. New roles, new structures, new initiatives, and new life stages. One of our biggest barriers to a successful transition is not evolving our approach to match the new situation. We get stuck in this middle space by applying our old thinking or behaviors to a new challenge…while expecting a different outcome. Beyond Neutral is about what it takes to think differently so you can realize your desired destination.

A Big Question To Ask Yourself & Season Two Finale!
Paula Reid is wrapping up season two and reflecting on past episodes and leaving her listeners with a question to contemplate this summer, “What do I want my contribution to be?”

Understanding Stress Signals and Self-Soothing Strategies
Paula Reid discusses understanding our personal stress responses and self-soothing strategies and how knowing this about ourselves can help us react in the best way possible when things get stressful.

4 Ways to Cultivate Abundance
Paula Reid explains why it is important to shift your patterns of thinking to cultivate an abundance mindset.

Challenging Your Inner Narratives for True Transformation
Explore Mike Rataczak's journey from HR in fashion to interior design, tackling inner voices & transforming beliefs. Insightful tips on personal growth.

Trusting Your Instincts Through Transformations
Explore Mike Rataczak’s journey from corporate HR to interior design, emphasizing the power of instincts in career transitions. A must-listen for change seekers.

The 3 Essential Steps to Receiving Feedback with Grace
Discover the art of receiving feedback with grace. Learn 3 essential steps to improve relationships and personal growth in our latest podcast episode.

The Art of an apology
Dive into the art of meaningful apologies with Paula. Discover the strength in admitting mistakes and mending relationships.

The Humble Leader: Embracing Growth and Vulnerability
Paula Reid is talking about humility in leadership and life. In this heartfelt episode Paula explains the superpower of humility.

Navigating Internal Promotions
Paula Reid is helping listeners prepare for internal promotions and explains how navigating changing dynamics is crucial to success.

Courage Over Fear: Emotional Resilience
Boost emotional resilience and courage with Paula's insights on facing emotions fearlessly, transforming anxiety and depression into strength.

How to build emotional endurance
Paula Reid discusses the concept of emotional endurance and explains why it is important.

Do An Expectations Audit
Paula Reid discusses expectations, where they come from and how they impact our behavior and feelings.

Make New Year’s Resolutions Meaningful Again
Paula Reid discusses New Year’s Resolutions and how we can think about them in a more meaningful way.

Shine A Light On Shame
Paula Reid is discussing shame and how destructive it can be. She gives us a direction on how to break out of the shame cycle and shine a light on this emotion.

Break the Anxiety Spell and Get Clarity
Paula Reid is discussing anxiety and offers a variety of ways we can cope with this emotion. Paula also shares a personal story and how she coped with her anxiety.

Practical Steps To Face Your Fears
Paula Reid is discussing the most powerful emotion, fear. She provides practical tips to help us address our fears and move forward.

Fill Up Your Joy Bucket To Increase Resilience
Paula Reid explains why joy is important and key to sustaining resilience in busy times.

Paula Reid makes the connection to the desire to be liked and not having agency in this episode.

Paula Reid shares a proven 3-step process to stop yourself or a client from ruminating.

Join Paula Reid on Beyond Neutral as she unveils the fear of failure, offering a roadmap to success through conquering this common obstacle.