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move your business forward
Being stuck. It is something we have all experienced at one point or another. Sometimes it can feel like being on one side of a very high stone wall. We keep trying to put our foot here and our hands there but no matter what we do, we can’t get enough traction to make progress that will carry us over the top. We can see a strong hand hold ahead that looks like it should hold us, but it seems risky to stretch our arms that far. Reaching for it may send us back down to the bottom.
Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone
“Stepping out of your comfort zone” seems to be the phrase of the decade. We often hear it used when someone is describing what enabled them to make a big move in their lives.
What It Means to Think You Are Enough
Anyone who has paid any attention to what I have been saying over the past few weeks is fully familiar with my metaphor of life being a journey – a road we are on. Here is another part of that story – there is no final destination. Your drive doesn’t end until you actually run out of gas with no filling station in site
My Journey
This is my journey. Many years ago, I started my search firm. I launched this business because it gave me what I wanted from work. I love the business of people – working with them, talking with them, and supporting them on a journey. I love the business of business. Knowing where a company was, where they wanted to go, and how I could be a part of that process.
Little Words
Words are powerful. Often, when we hear that phrase, we associate the concept with robust dialog, succinctly developed prose, or emotionally charged language delivered with passion. Small words – the ones we use in everyday language can equally impact a listener - sometimes in very unintended ways.
Who Would Be On Your Board of Directors?
Have you ever thought about how beneficial it would be to have your very own Board of Directors? A group of people specifically focused on supporting you as you navigate all the aspects of your life. A panel of experienced individuals invested in the focus you place on career, family, kids, health, and relationships. A group of people who are your GPS to help navigate the ebb and flow of competing interests towards living the kind of life you want to realize.
The Concept Of ‘Busy’
This struggle, of juggling time and commitments, is often created by our desires to achieve our own perceptions of joy, success, and satisfaction as part of an overall career or life plan. While we each seek an individualized goal of balance, often the way we think and talk about the number of things requiring our time, is the very thing that can rob us of the satisfaction we are seeking. It can also unwittingly undermine our credibility and ensure an unlimited, lifetime ride on the great hamster wheel.